Seriously, give me a reason other than "horsies are pretty" that we can't sell them to France or Belgium for a ridiculous sum of money that can be used to fund the Wild Horse program for years to come...
Thousands of wild horses may be killed [link]Mustangs will continue to be at the heart of the slaughter debate because when it comes down to logistics, they are part of the unwanted, unbroke, grade horse overpopulation at the low end of the horse value spectrum. You do not OFTEN see a BLM wild horse competing at the national level in any equestrian event.
ROB HOTAKAINEN | Aug 10, 2008
Californian Jean Anderson says wild horses are smart and beautiful animals, symbols of the freedom and strength it took to build the United States. To the federal government, however, they're a costly and growing nuisance. The Bureau of Land Management... has a proposal to reduce their numbers: Kill a few thousand of them. Anderson and many of the nation's other horse lovers, including singers Sheryl Crow and Willie Nelson, are out to kill the euthanasia plan. Federal officials and other supporters of the plan say it must be considered, however, because a birth-control program hasn't worked and adoptions are declining, mainly because of rising fuel and feed costs. While the agency hasn't decided on a method of euthanasia, BLM spokesman Tom Gorey said the top three possibilities would be shooting the horses, giving them a lethal dose of barbiturates or killing them with bolts to the head, a method commonly used in slaughtering cattle. Either by adopting them out or selling or killing them, the agency would like to reduce the size of its herd to 27,300.
I say give 20,000 to Willie and 20,000 to Sheryl at going adoption rate of $125 each and let them figure it out.
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