Sep 4, 2008

Texas - abandoned horses.

Someone with no other options?

Who's Abandoning Horses In South Fort Worth? [link]
Mark Johnson | Sep 4, 2008

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 News) ― The Humane Society of North Texas says it's seeing a disturbing trend recently.

Somebody is abandoning neglected and malnourished horses at an empty lot in South Fort Worth.

During the last several weeks, five horses have been dumped at the lot, which is near Highway 287 and southeast Loop 820.

"Each horse that we've received has had some sort of problem," said Tammy Hawley, director of the local Humane Society. "Underweight, poor farrier care, injury or combination of all those together. They've all had problems, so we think it's somebody that's trying to stay out of trouble. They're dumping them, there trying not to get caught with them in their possession."

The most recent horse to be found, a mare, was spotted in the lot early Thursday morning. It was in the care of the Humane Society within an hour. The horse is badly malnourished and has several injuries, which Hawley says suggests a long period of neglect.

Of the five horses the Humane Society has recovered so far, one has died and two have been adopted. The other two are recovering and could be eligible for adoption soon.

Sad story, and not one we won't be seeing more of.

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